Paper Architecture

Ideas for paper works of architecture:

4x8 House - Prefabricated dwelling based on a grid of a standard sheet of plywood, cnc milled members also from plywood with no loss of material and minimal hardware.

Subdivided Pavilion - An exercise investigating geometric potentials and limitations of paneling systems.

Retaining Block - A synthesis of architecture and infrstructure, a combination of a Narkomfin, or Unite style housing block with a retaining wall where each is mututally co-dependent. Inhabited infrastructure.

Growing Partition - A freestanding green wall for exterior application involving photo-voltaics and luminescence.

Dord Space - Investigation into regrafting liminal space on the urban periphery.

Co-Adaptive Tectonics - A dynamic shading infrastructure.

Truss Sweeps

I am attempting to create custom trusses from a group of curves that all have unique rails and orientations. I want to sweep or extrude or revolve a custom profile along these, using them as rails. However, there are over 40+ 'flange' curves and hundreds+ 'web' curves. Essentially, I want to be able to feed all of these curves within a Grasshopper definition and skin them. The pipe tool can do this very well, but I do not want a circular profile, one has to look like a wide flange [which means it needs directional or orientation information in 3 axis], and the other is simply rectangular [which means it only requires 2].

Any ideas?

1 an example of the base geometry and definition

2 what I want to achieve [the final profile geom isnt set yet.]