Co-Adaptation 07

Growing Tray

Contemporary vernacular thought regarding the relationship between ecology and ‘man made’ built space is still plagued by two interrelated misconceptions. The first is that the artificial and the natural are somehow differentiated. Environmental ecology is applied as a gloss over autonomous construction as an aesthetic or ‘green-washing’ manuver. This project approaches this relationship from the opposite angle, which is to say that ecological phenomena and man-made artifacts are codependent on social, economic and political levels.

The second fallacy is the distance between ecology {read: resource extraction and waste dispersal]
and most people’s sphere of consciousness. Production, distribution and waste dispersal practices are all but invisible to most everyone in society, the only point of interaction, and consequently influence, is the point of consumption. By placing ecological process in close knit juxtaposition with inhabitation, it fosters consumer awareness and so yields more control over choices.

Here we see the growing trays which allow seedlings to be grown on an artifi cial surface. The trays
are optimized for different spatial requirements at different stages in the growth cycle. They are pre-fabricated and standardized to fit within the armature, allowing more or less of a particular type as needs require.

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