Co-Adaptation 12

Site plan / Phasing

Perhaps due to Alberti, perhaps due to gross misinterpretations of Modernism, the contemporary
architecture contract is always delivered as a fi nite product. As a break from this, iterations are
proposed to enable dynamic responses to changes in program. This is less architecture as product
and more architecture as ecological process. Being able to surgically alter, amend and adapt tectonics
allows for massive increases or decreases in program over time, ensures a very limited waste of
material and engenders architectural awareness.
Conceived as a fi fty year project, the system allows for increases of housing as more workers and
researchers are needed, and, reciprocally, more growing space to shelter the houses. The system
and its output, trees, “grow” along the highway, in either direction. Essentially, domesticating plants
and planting the domestic.

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